Avocado Analysis#

Author: Katie Kim

Course Project, UC Irvine, Math 10, F23


In this project, I am examining the Avocado dataset containing avocado price, demand, region, date, etc. First I am going to use linear regression in an attempt to predict the avocado’s price. Then, I am going to use KNeighborsClassifier to predict the avocado’s origin region.

Data Cleaning#

# import necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
import numpy as np
# load data
df = pd.read_csv('avocado.csv')
Index(['Unnamed: 0', 'Date', 'AveragePrice', 'Total Volume', '4046', '4225',
       '4770', 'Total Bags', 'Small Bags', 'Large Bags', 'XLarge Bags', 'type',
       'year', 'region'],
Unnamed: 0 Date AveragePrice Total Volume 4046 4225 4770 Total Bags Small Bags Large Bags XLarge Bags type year region
10146 32 2015-05-17 1.19 2363.41 111.73 870.72 0.00 1380.96 258.10 1122.86 0.00 organic 2015 Indianapolis
9449 11 2015-10-11 2.07 70004.38 14400.49 48933.21 3.10 6667.58 6607.58 60.00 0.00 organic 2015 California
7862 20 2017-08-13 1.29 821395.74 164086.95 569847.08 9914.90 77546.81 72666.82 1062.21 3817.78 conventional 2017 SanFrancisco
982 46 2015-02-08 0.70 1180723.02 525259.71 535768.93 5175.33 114519.05 103507.51 11011.54 0.00 conventional 2015 Houston
5246 46 2016-02-07 0.62 6847218.72 3614202.25 1364491.37 22097.49 1846427.61 740216.91 1106150.27 60.43 conventional 2016 Southeast
12929 8 2016-10-30 2.10 3125.55 150.44 1634.81 0.00 1340.30 1054.45 285.85 0.00 organic 2016 Indianapolis
17288 3 2017-12-10 1.72 5723.01 745.23 1060.12 0.00 3917.66 1241.12 2676.54 0.00 organic 2017 StLouis
12172 31 2016-05-22 1.57 18030.82 8.23 593.13 0.00 17429.46 15470.61 1958.85 0.00 organic 2016 Boston
8147 40 2017-03-26 1.09 93209.14 20638.90 24121.86 21.01 48427.37 48412.48 9.53 5.36 conventional 2017 Spokane
16343 12 2017-10-08 1.52 21089.70 10.89 194.84 0.00 20883.97 20879.53 4.44 0.00 organic 2017 NorthernNewEngland
# check which columns has NaN values
{col: f'{(df[col].isna().sum() / len(df))}%' for col in df.columns}
{'Unnamed: 0': '0.0%',
 'Date': '0.0%',
 'AveragePrice': '0.0%',
 'Total Volume': '0.0%',
 '4046': '0.0%',
 '4225': '0.0%',
 '4770': '0.0%',
 'Total Bags': '0.0%',
 'Small Bags': '0.0%',
 'Large Bags': '0.0%',
 'XLarge Bags': '0.0%',
 'type': '0.0%',
 'year': '0.0%',
 'region': '0.0%'}

The data seems like it doesn’t have any missing values. Looking at column ‘type’, it looks like we have both conventional and organic avocado in our rows. The prices will clearly be different even with other properties being identical.

# groupby type, check average of the demand
grouped = df.groupby(['type']).mean()['Total Volume']
conventional    1.653213e+06
organic         4.781121e+04
Name: Total Volume, dtype: float64
# ratio of average of demand of each type (organic, conventional)
round((grouped['organic'] / grouped['conventional'] * 100), 2)
# percentage of number of rows that are organic to the total number of rows
round((len(df[(df['type']=='organic')]) / len(df) *100), 2)
# average price of conventional and organic
conventional    1.158040
organic         1.653999
Name: AveragePrice, dtype: float64

The ratio of average amount of avocadoes sold are only around 3%, but they take up around 50% of our rows. The organic avocadoes, which only take up around 2% in volume sold in real life is probably not a good sample to represent an arbiturary avocado. So it is probably best to only analyze the 5000 random samples of conventional avocados.

df.shape  #18249 total rows
(18249, 14)

Now we would like to use mainly altair for data visualization, but it lookes like we have way too many rows, clearly larger than 5000.

# filtering only conventioal type, selecting 5000 random rows
# select a specific random_state so the results can be redone
df = (df[(df['type']=='conventional')]).sample(5000, random_state=21)

Data Visualization, Quick Analysis#

Unnamed: 0 Date AveragePrice Total Volume 4046 4225 4770 Total Bags Small Bags Large Bags XLarge Bags type year region
2276 40 2015-03-22 1.13 514196.67 192630.73 229939.77 8716.19 82909.98 82898.73 0.00 11.25 conventional 2015 Seattle
6582 12 2017-10-08 1.29 1042700.75 491561.89 146966.38 1449.29 402723.19 320849.72 81873.47 0.00 conventional 2017 Houston
3923 23 2016-07-17 1.08 283074.00 118910.27 52023.77 7495.98 104643.98 71629.96 31540.69 1473.33 conventional 2016 LasVegas
8291 25 2017-07-09 1.45 323653.24 211134.84 42947.50 137.48 69433.42 21337.25 37338.39 10757.78 conventional 2017 Tampa
1230 34 2015-05-03 1.03 95550.51 2031.68 66286.54 2641.74 24590.55 8761.52 15348.83 480.20 conventional 2015 Louisville
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3920 20 2016-08-07 1.11 311533.30 144862.85 57549.16 7063.01 102058.28 64258.99 37604.85 194.44 conventional 2016 LasVegas
5059 15 2016-09-11 1.00 644049.31 154068.23 167761.10 2713.10 319506.88 319298.96 135.14 72.78 conventional 2016 Seattle
7249 43 2017-03-05 1.38 384828.85 9417.54 318710.70 4245.38 52455.23 52455.23 0.00 0.00 conventional 2017 NorthernNewEngland
8772 6 2018-02-11 1.00 856022.49 580099.01 76468.67 2153.49 197301.32 106427.69 90813.63 60.00 conventional 2018 MiamiFtLauderdale
4955 15 2016-09-11 1.08 498555.72 164685.23 144231.63 12611.44 177027.42 161784.53 15187.89 55.00 conventional 2016 SanDiego

5000 rows × 14 columns

Unnamed: 0 AveragePrice Total Volume 4046 4225 4770 Total Bags Small Bags Large Bags XLarge Bags year
count 5000.000000 5000.000000 5.000000e+03 5.000000e+03 5.000000e+03 5.000000e+03 5.000000e+03 5.000000e+03 5.000000e+03 5000.000000 5000.000000
mean 24.315400 1.159906 1.782880e+06 6.257781e+05 6.183192e+05 4.899875e+04 4.897835e+05 3.758316e+05 1.071213e+05 6830.621146 2016.141000
std 15.425586 0.263544 5.110268e+06 1.886614e+06 1.757329e+06 1.535306e+05 1.470644e+06 1.111716e+06 3.636076e+05 26063.996693 0.937067
min 0.000000 0.460000 3.369968e+04 7.206000e+01 1.518000e+03 1.000000e+00 3.311770e+03 1.119180e+03 0.000000e+00 0.000000 2015.000000
25% 10.000000 0.980000 2.005931e+05 3.195186e+04 5.033716e+04 5.802250e+02 5.730982e+04 4.304135e+04 2.456845e+03 0.000000 2015.000000
50% 24.000000 1.130000 4.131249e+05 1.078396e+05 1.419972e+05 6.261165e+03 9.972553e+04 7.664851e+04 1.534843e+04 136.255000 2016.000000
75% 38.000000 1.320000 1.109403e+06 3.866971e+05 4.286676e+05 2.245689e+04 3.186164e+05 2.346596e+05 6.115988e+04 2658.975000 2017.000000
max 52.000000 2.220000 6.250565e+07 2.274362e+07 2.044550e+07 1.993645e+06 1.937313e+07 1.338459e+07 5.719097e+06 551693.650000 2018.000000
Unnamed: 0        int64
Date             object
AveragePrice    float64
Total Volume    float64
4046            float64
4225            float64
4770            float64
Total Bags      float64
Small Bags      float64
Large Bags      float64
XLarge Bags     float64
type             object
year              int64
region           object
dtype: object

In this project, I am planning to use machine learning to:

  1. predict the price of avocados 2.predict the region origin of avocadoes

Let’s get a feeling of these data with data visualization before we start fitting it into machine learning objects

# convert object into date time, extract month
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
df['month'] = df['Date'].dt.month_name()
# relate time (date) sold and its prices
alt.Chart(df, title='Avocado Prices by Year/Month').mark_boxplot().encode(
    x = 'month',
    y = 'AveragePrice',
    column = 'year',
    tooltip = 'AveragePrice',
# total volume and average price, check region as well with color
alt.Chart(df, title='Avocado Prices by Demand').mark_circle().encode(
    x = 'Total Volume',
    y = 'AveragePrice',
    tooltip = 'region',

Using tooltip, it seems like the totalUS avocado volume is skewing the scatter plot. Let’s remove the region “total US” and observe again.

# removed 'total US' chart
temp = df[df['region'] != 'TotalUS']
alt.Chart(temp, title='Avocado Prices by Demand').mark_circle().encode(
    x = 'Total Volume',
    y = 'AveragePrice',
    tooltip = 'region',

Looks like linear regression might work out for this data. Also, looking at the color coding, it looks like we might be able to predict the region with the Total Volume and AveragePrice (and maybe date as well).

# Made data frame with mean(average price, total volume) for each regions
temp = df[df['region'] != 'TotalUS']
temp2 = pd.DataFrame(temp.groupby('region').mean()['AveragePrice'])
temp2['region'] = temp2.index
temp2['Total Volume'] = temp.groupby('region').mean()['Total Volume']
AveragePrice region Total Volume
Albany 1.354100 Albany 9.349567e+04
Atlanta 1.065361 Atlanta 5.072671e+05
BaltimoreWashington 1.359767 BaltimoreWashington 7.704632e+05
Boise 1.066105 Boise 8.218555e+04
Boston 1.294943 Boston 5.685672e+05
BuffaloRochester 1.384353 BuffaloRochester 1.268634e+05
California 1.109725 California 5.955764e+06
Charlotte 1.292222 Charlotte 2.005410e+05
Chicago 1.344468 Chicago 7.620783e+05
CincinnatiDayton 1.031034 CincinnatiDayton 2.485378e+05
Columbus 1.070617 Columbus 1.675162e+05
DallasFtWorth 0.844494 DallasFtWorth 1.206192e+06
Denver 1.089615 Denver 7.891559e+05
Detroit 1.121443 Detroit 3.519631e+05
GrandRapids 1.329800 GrandRapids 1.766684e+05
GreatLakes 1.176733 GreatLakes 3.382353e+06
HarrisburgScranton 1.252222 HarrisburgScranton 2.389051e+05
HartfordSpringfield 1.379341 HartfordSpringfield 2.990995e+05
Houston 0.829130 Houston 1.166488e+06
Indianapolis 1.166222 Indianapolis 1.718719e+05
Jacksonville 1.202245 Jacksonville 1.652072e+05
LasVegas 0.991047 LasVegas 3.227662e+05
LosAngeles 0.983222 LosAngeles 2.915848e+06
Louisville 1.106082 Louisville 9.166587e+04
MiamiFtLauderdale 1.233902 MiamiFtLauderdale 5.774169e+05
Midsouth 1.215435 Midsouth 2.894809e+06
Nashville 1.040119 Nashville 1.953408e+05
NewOrleansMobile 1.114409 NewOrleansMobile 2.619054e+05
NewYork 1.386632 NewYork 1.386456e+06
Northeast 1.353900 Northeast 4.064766e+06
NorthernNewEngland 1.252308 NorthernNewEngland 4.144214e+05
Orlando 1.230000 Orlando 3.354096e+05
Philadelphia 1.401111 Philadelphia 4.042902e+05
PhoenixTucson 0.712889 PhoenixTucson 1.181876e+06
Pittsburgh 1.238632 Pittsburgh 1.051180e+05
Plains 1.167182 Plains 1.784841e+06
Portland 1.047959 Portland 6.222032e+05
RaleighGreensboro 1.219072 RaleighGreensboro 2.826816e+05
RichmondNorfolk 1.115455 RichmondNorfolk 2.414427e+05
Roanoke 1.087204 Roanoke 1.399972e+05
Sacramento 1.269691 Sacramento 4.290801e+05
SanDiego 1.074615 SanDiego 5.125842e+05
SanFrancisco 1.413444 SanFrancisco 7.823022e+05
Seattle 1.161848 Seattle 6.157131e+05
SouthCarolina 1.159184 SouthCarolina 3.486652e+05
SouthCentral 0.874124 SouthCentral 5.887291e+06
Southeast 1.153011 Southeast 3.524644e+06
Spokane 1.120306 Spokane 9.016937e+04
StLouis 1.184845 StLouis 1.828080e+05
Syracuse 1.403537 Syracuse 6.096562e+04
Tampa 1.186333 Tampa 3.891342e+05
West 0.982529 West 6.146695e+06
WestTexNewMexico 0.839195 WestTexNewMexico 8.430621e+05
# x: region, y: Average price, color: demand
us_avg_price = df.groupby('region').mean()['AveragePrice']['TotalUS']
dot = alt.Chart(temp2, title='Average of Price and Demand by Region').mark_circle(size=80).encode(
    x = 'region',
    y = 'AveragePrice',
    tooltip = ['Total Volume', 'region'],
    color = 'Total Volume'
line = alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({'y':[us_avg_price]})).mark_rule().encode(

Machine Learning#

part 1. predict the price of avocados based on date, total volume (amount of avocados sold), and region#

–> numerical to numerical: try linear regression, polynomial regression part 2. predict the region origin of avocadoes based on total volume (amount of avocados sold), and average price –> numerical to catagorical: try K-neighbor, logistic regression, random forest, Kmeans

what I think matters and just brute force every numerical machine learning

Part 1. Prediction of Avocado Prices#

Since the input values I have selected, specifically the date, total volume, and region

  • date is a date_time object, so regression can’t process it

    • so we have to convert it to a numerical data using dt.datetime.toordinal

  • ‘region’ is a catagorical data, but I stil do want to use this data for machine learning, since we have enough values such that it . So, we are going to convert this data into numerical using ‘LabelEncoder’ from ‘sklearn.preprocessing’.

    • since we are going from numerical to numerical, we are going to try linear regression and polynomial regression

  • then we are going to test out the error on the ‘test’ dataset.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures

linear regression only on total volume#

df_temp = df.copy()
df_temp = df_temp[df_temp['region'] != 'TotalUS']
# recall the chart
c = alt.Chart(df_temp).mark_circle().encode(
    x = 'Total Volume',
    y = 'AveragePrice'
# simple linear regression
reg = LinearRegression()
reg.fit(df_temp[['Total Volume']], df_temp['AveragePrice'])
df_temp['pred1'] = reg.predict(df_temp[['Total Volume']])
# linear regression graph
c1 = alt.Chart(df_temp).mark_line(strokeWidth=2.5).encode(
    x = 'Total Volume',
    y = 'pred1',
    color = alt.value('blue')
# polynomial linear regression
pipe = Pipeline(
            ('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=10, include_bias=False)),
            ('reg', LinearRegression())
pipe.fit(df_temp[['Total Volume']], df_temp['AveragePrice'])
df_temp['pred2'] = pipe.predict(df_temp[['Total Volume']])
# polynomial linear regression line + linear regression line
c2 = alt.Chart(df_temp).mark_line(strokeWidth=2.5).encode(
    x = 'Total Volume',
    y = 'pred2',
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
# print out each error value and its ratios
print('Mean Squared Error')
print('linear: ', mean_squared_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred1']))
print('poly: ', mean_squared_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred2']))
print(mean_squared_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred1']) / mean_squared_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred2']))
print('\n'+"Mean Absolute Error")
print('linear: ', mean_absolute_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred1']))
print('poly: ', mean_absolute_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred2']))
print(mean_absolute_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred1']) / mean_absolute_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred2']))
Mean Squared Error
linear:  0.06734598754057898
poly:  0.06888489340753648

Mean Absolute Error
linear:  0.20413352982576358
poly:  0.20596939608489562
# make data frame for each error rates, linear/polynomial, squared/absolute error
err_dict = {'type': ['linear','linear','poly','poly'],
'err': ['squared', 'absolute','squared', 'absolute'],
'value': [mean_squared_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred1']), 
mean_absolute_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred1']),
mean_squared_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred2']), 
mean_absolute_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], df_temp['pred2'])]}
err_df = pd.DataFrame(err_dict)
type err value
0 linear squared 0.067346
1 linear absolute 0.204134
2 poly squared 0.068885
3 poly absolute 0.205969
# maybe it's better to visualize it
alt.Chart(err_df, title='Error Rate for Regression').mark_bar().encode(
    x = 'type',
    y = alt.Y('value', scale=alt.Scale(domain=[0, 1])),
    column = 'err',
    tooltip = 'value',
    color = 'type'

interesting how similar the values are on linear and linear polynomial, having great resemblence. Let us try change the polynomial degree and observe what happens.

my_dict = {'polynomial degree': [], 'err': [], 'value': []}
for d in range(1,26,4):
    pipe = Pipeline(
                ('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=d, include_bias=False)),
                ('reg', LinearRegression())
    pipe.fit(df_temp[['Total Volume']], df_temp['AveragePrice'])
    pred = pipe.predict(df_temp[['Total Volume']])
    # squared error
    my_dict['polynomial degree'].append(d)
    my_dict['value'].append(mean_squared_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], pred))
    # abs error
    my_dict['polynomial degree'].append(d)
    my_dict['value'].append(mean_absolute_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], pred))
    print(mean_squared_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], pred))
    print(mean_absolute_error(df_temp['AveragePrice'], pred), '\n')






my_df = pd.DataFrame(my_dict)
polynomial degree err value
0 1 squared 0.067346
1 1 absolute 0.204134
2 5 squared 0.067737
3 5 absolute 0.203832
4 9 squared 0.068507
5 9 absolute 0.205284
6 13 squared 0.069689
7 13 absolute 0.207439
8 17 squared 0.069980
9 17 absolute 0.207914
10 21 squared 0.070044
11 21 absolute 0.208006
12 25 squared 0.070070
13 25 absolute 0.208043
# visualization for this one as well
    x = 'polynomial degree',
    y = 'value',
    color = 'err',
    tooltip = 'value'

Interestingly, both the mean Squared Error and the Mean Absolute Error seemed similar, even when I have changed the variable ‘degree of polynomial’ on the polynomial linear regression. The degree 1 polynomial and degree 25 polynomial seems like it had a similar error rate. I didn’t expect an overfitting especially for a simple linear regression, so this is quite interesting.

# trying to check for overfitting
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    df_temp[['Total Volume']], df_temp["AveragePrice"], test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
reg.fit(X_train, y_train)
pipe = Pipeline(
            ('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=10, include_bias=False)),
            ('reg', LinearRegression())
pipe.fit(X_train, y_train)
Pipeline(steps=[('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=10, include_bias=False)),
                ('reg', LinearRegression())])
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print('squared error:',mean_squared_error(reg.predict(X_test), y_test))
print('absolute error:',mean_absolute_error(reg.predict(X_test), y_test), '\n')
print('squared error:',mean_squared_error(pipe.predict(X_test), y_test))
print('absolute error:',mean_absolute_error(pipe.predict(X_test), y_test))
squared error: 0.06865000585663716
absolute error: 0.20524305640524532 

squared error: 0.08108453085669562
absolute error: 0.20986569507238603

These numbers feel very familier. Let’s check if this intuition is true.

# data frame of error rate on training data without splitting data
err_df['split'] = ['no_test','no_test','no_test','no_test']
type err value split
0 linear squared 0.067346 no_test
1 linear absolute 0.204134 no_test
2 poly squared 0.068885 no_test
3 poly absolute 0.205969 no_test
# combine error rate of no split and split, where if split error is measured on test data
my_dict = {'type': ['linear','linear', 'poly', 'poly'],
'err': ['squared','absolute','squared','absolute'],
'value': [mean_squared_error(reg.predict(X_test), y_test),
mean_absolute_error(reg.predict(X_test), y_test),
mean_squared_error(pipe.predict(X_test), y_test),
mean_absolute_error(pipe.predict(X_test), y_test)],
'split': ['test','test','test','test']} 
my_df = pd.DataFrame(my_dict)
my_df = pd.concat([err_df, my_df])
type err value split
0 linear squared 0.067346 no_test
1 linear absolute 0.204134 no_test
2 poly squared 0.068885 no_test
3 poly absolute 0.205969 no_test
0 linear squared 0.068650 test
1 linear absolute 0.205243 test
2 poly squared 0.081085 test
3 poly absolute 0.209866 test
# compare error rate of same conditions
alt.Chart(my_df, title='Overfitting Check').mark_circle(size=35).encode(
    x = 'type',
    y = 'value',
    column = 'err',
    color = 'split'

Seems like it is not over fitted. Comparing the numerical error for predicting the data used for training and the data not used for training.

Knearest neighbor#

Now we are going to use knearest neighbor to predict region. Using date, price, demand features as input.

  • I realized I can’t directly use a date time object straight into machine learning, but I do still want to use it as a feature. So I am goint to turn it into a usable form first.

# date time object to numerical form
# import datetime
df['date_numerical'] = df['Date'].map(lambda x: x.to_pydatetime().toordinal())
# select features
cols = ['date_numerical', 'AveragePrice', 'Total Volume']
# split training and test data
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    df[cols], df["region"], test_size=0.2, random_state=42
# instantiate and fit KNeighbors classifier object
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
d = len(df['region'].unique())
neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=d)
neigh.fit(X_train, y_train)
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# make prediction on test set, check accuracy on test data
pred = neigh.predict(X_test)
neigh.score(X_test, y_test)
# number of categories of regions
# if guesssed at random

We have a score of 19.1% on the accuracy. It seems like it is not preforming too well on the test data at least. Although, we do have 54 catagories, which means if guessed at random, we will have 1/54 = 1.85% accuracy. So maybe the classifier is quite effective after all.

# let's check the score on the trained data.
neigh.score(X_train, y_train)

The score is not too high on both the test data and the training data. Maybe 5000 data points to predict 54 catagories is difficult. We can load a new data frame with the full rows (but of course only conventional avocados). Remember, we have previously limited the rows of df to 5000 to be usuable in altair.

# load new data
df2 = pd.read_csv('avocado.csv')
df2 = (df2[(df2['type']=='conventional')])
# 9126 rows
(9126, 14)
# score on new (larger) data set, on test data
d = len(df2['region'].unique())
neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=d)
neigh.fit(X_train, y_train)
pred = neigh.predict(X_test)
neigh.score(X_test, y_test)
# new (larger) data set, trained data
neigh.score(X_train, y_train)

It seems like the accuracy is not getting any better. It is probably because of the overwhelming amount of catagories to predict, limited sample size, and/or just the low correlation in the [date, price, demand] to region.


First, I preformed data cleaning, then a quick analysis visualizing the data points. Then using linear regression on “total volume”, I was able to predict the average price pretty accurately without overfitting and I was surprised to find out that the linear and polynomial regressions had similar error rates. Then I tried using Knearest neighbor to predict the region, which wasn’t too effective probably due to the overwhelming amount of catagories to classify compared to the limited size of the data.


What is the source of your dataset(s)?#

List any other references that you found helpful.#